How To Recycle Your HelloFresh Box Into An Easy Halloween Costume October 31, 2019
Skip the party store crowds this year. You already have everything you need for an easy Halloween costume, HelloFresh style.
Keeping all those delicious ingredients safe en route to your doorstep isn’t the only thing your HelloFresh box can do. It also doubles as a Halloween costume with the help of a few art supplies we have a feeling are hiding in your craft closet right now.
So whip up something pumpkin-y to fuel your creativity, then start crafting! And if you need some inspiration, look no further than your fellow HelloFresh home cooks.
… like Savannah, who became a HelloFresh fairy — spoon wand and all.
Or you could do as Kloie did and become a mini oven (with the best headband we ever did see).
But if you’re feeling a little spookier, take a cue from Hannah and transform your kit bags into masks by cutting out eyes and a mouth.
And don’t forget to show us your ingenious creations by tagging #HelloFreshPics. We want to seeeee!!!
While you’re at it, read up on more out-of-the-box ideas for recycling your HelloFresh packaging.