Wrapping up 2012 December 17, 2012
Can you believe it’s already the last delivery of 2012? To wrap up the year, you will be receiving our Angel Hair with Tomato Garlic Sauce, Lebanese Fattoush Salad, Beef Bulgogi and/or Pork Burger and Avocado Basil Pasta, Tofu and Broccoli Stir Fry and Chickpea and Tomato Stew for the vegetarian option.
This week’s ingredient highlights are garlic, avocados and Greek yogurt, also known for their anti-cancer properties. In my earlier post titled “Fight cancer with flavor”, I mentioned that it was crucial to consume a diet low in total fat and high in antioxidants and fiber to decrease cancer risk. This week’s ingredients will help you maintain that healthy diet.
Several studies have shown that those who eat more garlic are less likely to develop certain cancers, especially in digestive organs such as the esophagus, stomach and colon. As little as one clove a day can be helpful so don’t be afraid to cook with more garlic!
Avocados are another source of anti-cancer foods. Oleic acid, the primary fat in avocados, is known to offer significant protection against breast cancer. This superfood also helps fight oral cancer so be sure to include avocados in your meals.
Finally, Greek Yogurt contains the healthy bacteria, lactobacilli, which stops enzymes that turn healthy cells into cancer. Top your yogurt with blueberries, one of the most powerful antioxidants, and you’ll be on your way to great health.
Enjoy your last delivery HelloFreshers! Until next year!