Happy New Year from HelloFresh January 3, 2016
Happy New Year, from our family to yours! We are so excited to welcome 2016, the year of HelloFresh. Why is it our year, you ask? With all our delicious recipes and amazing ability to bring people together, we are more determined than ever to get everyone in the kitchen, eating fresh.
So what are our special resolutions? Usually they’re about losing weight, but what if we stopped looking at food as the enemy in 2016? Here are some of our favorite Food Resolutions:
- Cook with your friends and family more frequently– HelloFresh can help you with the planning for up to 5 times per week!
- Eat the rainbow- No, we don’t mean the candy! Making sure your plate is colorful is a great sign that you’re putting fresher, healthier foods in your system. Think about the colors of fruits and veggies versus pasta and cookies!
- Walk the perimeter of the market- Fresh foods are kept on the outside aisles of the supermarket, while processed and packaged foods are frequently stored in the middle aisles. This will help you make healthier purchases!
What are your foodie resolutions? Share with us in the comments- we love hearing from you!
Happy New Year and Happy Cooking!