HelloFresh Stories: A Working Mom Develops Confidence in the Kitchen February 25, 2016

by Our Stories

Earlier this week, we shared the story of Amy, a young professional who’s been finding more time to connect with her husband in the kitchen thanks to our boxes. The response was so positive that we decided to share another customer story, this time from Holly, a working mom from Baton Rouge.


One day last week, when I was stuck at the office working late, my younger daughter – she’s 12 – sent me a video of my husband cooking for her. By the time I got home, dinner was done, the kitchen was clean, and everyone had enjoyed the homemade quesadillas that Dad had cooked all by himself. How was this possible? HelloFresh!

Stuck in a dinner rut

My husband and I both work full-time in highly demanding jobs, and our two daughters have school obligations that keep our calendar full. So, figuring out what to do about dinner can often feel like a chore. My husband is great with a grill, but I’m not super-experienced when it comes to cooking. I have always tried to make good nutrition a priority when cooking for my family, but coming up with new, simple, healthy recipes every week was just a bit overwhelming. As a result, our dinner options often resulted in grilling, going out, or ordering in. It got boring very quickly.

Taking the pain out of meal planning

With HelloFresh, dinner is frictionless. I love that I don’t have to make a list, shop, buy in bulk, or waste money or food.  For every HelloFresh meal, I get exactly what I need, exactly when I need it. The ingredients are fresh, and I am often introduced to new foods that I really enjoy and would not have experienced otherwise. The portions provided are also perfect.  We are all full and satisfied, but we don’t overeat. Usually there is even enough left over for me to take to work for lunch the next day – which is always a treat!

Becoming a better cook

HelloFresh makes me feel like I can actually cook. I would never come up with these kinds of recipes by myself, which keeps me intrigued from week-to-week. You might look at the recipes and think, “That looks like fancy food. I can’t make that and my family won’t eat it.”  Wrong.  You can actually cook it yourself, and you will definitely enjoy it. The first time I made a HelloFresh meal, the looks on my family’s faces said it all. It is so rewarding to be able to create something that not only looks good and tastes great, but is also really good for you!

Spending quality time with family

What I love most about HelloFresh is the family time it actually creates for us. When I first signed up, I would sometimes whine about how it took me longer than the estimated prep time because there is so much to chop, dice, slice, and zest (skills that are significantly improving with every box). Then, my family pointed out how much they enjoy sitting around our L-shaped kitchen bar, doing homework and telling me about their day as I am in there prepping and cooking.  I have realized that we are actually spending quality time together while they watch me cook – what a gift!

We couldn’t be more thrilled to hear about the positive influence HelloFresh has been having on peoples’ lives. So to make it even easier for everyone to give it a try, we’re offering new customers $40 dollars off your first box. Put your feet up and let us do the hard work for you!

Do you have your own HelloFresh story to share? Write to genna@hellofresh.com, we’d love to feature your story on our blog.

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