Snack Alternatives for Healthy Living January 23, 2016
Depending on where you’re from, there’s a chance you’ll be snowed in this weekend thanks to Winter Storm Jonas. To me, that sounds like an excuse to hunker down and snack while I watch romantic comedies! Whether or not you’re experiencing the blizzard, there are so many times when a relaxing, lazy weekend leads us to unconsciously increase our snacking. Ever finish a whole bag of chips while you’re watching television without even noticing? All of a sudden your hand is grasping air and when you look down it takes every ounce of willpower to not calculate how many calories and grams of fat you just consumed. Trust me, we’ve all been there.
Have no fear, HelloFresh to the rescue! This weekend we’re snacking on healthier foods to keep us full, satisfied, and not weighed down by regret. Looking for a salty flavor with a bit of crunch? Swap the fatty, oily chips for a plate of bright green Kale chips.
1 bunch curly kale
2 Tbs. coconut oil, liquid
1/4 tsp. cumin spice
1/2 tsp. coarse sea salt
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper sea salt
- Preheat oven to 300 degrees
- Rinse kale well and blot dry thoroughly with a clean kitchen towel. Tear leaves from ribs; discard ribs. Using your hands, tear leaves into fairly large, appealing chip-size pieces
- Place kale in a bowl and sprinkle with coconut oil, cumin, salt and pepper. Mix together so it’s fully seasoned
- Arrange leaves in a single layer on 2 baking sheets. Bake, rotating pans top to bottom and back to front midway through baking time, until leaves are dry and crispy, about 25 minutes. Serve right away; kale chips are best eaten within a few hours. Serves 4.
Tired of the same old popcorn with too much better? Pop your own on the stove and toss with paprika and a little salt and pepper! No dishes? No problem! Roll up a piece of paper and serve this snack up in a homemade wrapper.
And let’s not forget to jazz up one of our favorite superfoods- beets!
1 beetroot
Goats cheese
Ground black pepper
- Peel the beetroot and slice into thin slices
- Bake on a sheet in the over at 375 degrees for 20 minutes
- Place on a plate, spoon on some goats cheese onto each
- Sprinkle on some fresh chopped dill and some fresh ground black pepper
With the exception of absent-mindedly consuming loads fruits and vegetables, it’s easy to lose control and be mad at yourself later for it. Hopefully, these snack choices will help you balance cravings and nutrition. Happy snacking & happy cooking!